First, the name of the case is Obergefell v. Hodges. The link to one of the online pronunciation sites is here.
Lyle Denniston, of SCOTUSblog, has put up a post “Same-Sex Marriage: The Decisive Questions.” This is fairly technical, but, like anything from Denniston on SCOTUSblog, worth reading. He goes about his subject by saying, “If the Court is going to decide this case, it will first have to decide these questions.” These questions introduce us to the process by which the Court will arrive at a decision. Interesting.
Mark Joseph Stern, writing on Slate, has a very different kind of “how did we get here?” He focusses on Evan Wolfson, who was a Harvard Law School third year student when he wrote a paper there outlining how LGBTQ folk could get marriage equality. This was thirty years ago. He’s been following the plan of his paper ever since. Read it.
OK. That’s all for now. Listen in to the live-blogging on SCOTUSblog tomorrow.