My books, money, value, the somber truth

I read an article on Slate today on writing and money, and it compels me to respond. The point of the article is the fact that so few writers actually make any money at their writing. Just about all writers are supported by doing something else, like teaching, and yet...

Reparations (3)

Donald Hallman, a veteran from the US Army, was given a dishonorable discharge in 1955 in Frankfurt, Germany, for being gay. He had already served two years. He has now received an honorable discharge and his right to his military benefits reinstated.  Sean Mandell...

Some things we can know about the future

The last few days I have been reading a book that clarifies where we are. David Brion Davis, writing on slavery in the west, says “dehumanization was absolutely central to the slave experience.” The New York Review of Books says Davis’ book, The Problem of Slavery in...

At play in Tennessee

I was rooting around in my computer, looking for something, when I stumbled into the junk box and there were pages and pages of emails from a man I knew once, slightly, in school. He has gathered around him a group of our classmates, and these men communicate by...

Where we are now

Many people—both gay and straight people—think because gay people can be married in thirteen states that we have solved that problem, and, at least in those thirteen states, we can move on to other issues. That’s only partly true.   Think of the long fight for...